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Blueberries 2.0

By July 14, 2013No Comments

Blueberries in bagsI bought eight new blueberry shrubs at the farmers’ market yesterday. At $5 a piece, it was a great deal. I have spent the morning digging, planting and setting up irrigation. Blueberries want acidic soil and I am fortunate with my land.

Wheelbarrow berriesI dug the $50 dollar hole for each of my $5 plants, adding 3 double handfuls of Black Kow compost. I filled each hole with water, making a sloppy dirt soup and cut each plant out of its pot. Blueberries don’t like their roots disturbed. I broke up all the soil and filled the trench around each plant.

The $50 hole with Black KowI planted Misty, Sharp blue, Springwide and Gulf Coast.

Sharp blue

I then encircled each plant with pine straw, even adding more straw around the blueberries 1.0 line.

Pine straw skirtsFeeling very accomplished with the planting, I drug out all my irrigation supplies and tied into the drip line I made for the 1.0 line. I plugged a individual drip line for each of the eight new plants.

L-juntionT-connectionDrip connection

Now when I attach the hose to the end of the 1.0 line, the 2.0 line will get watered too. Next year’s blueberry season should be great.

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